Helio Santos

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Mexican Artist working with data, internet, and technology with background in painting and digital art. Currently in the field of AI and creative coding using the landscape as a vehicle to explore the complex dynamics between humans, nature, and machines. Viewing technology as an extension of the body and intellect, in his work serves as both a statement and philosophy. Through his work, he critically examines society’s relationship with technology and nature. Santos’s work was showcased in selected global exhibitions in Paris, New York, London, Lisbon, South Korea, Tokyo, México City, Copenhagen, Buenos Aires, Rome, Zurich, and Barcelona.

2024 exhibitions:

Al aire libre Solo show. Curated by OBJKT (Kika Nicolela and Ombeline Rosset). Tech Contemporary Gallery (Copenhagen). March 13 – 20.


Screensavers group show. Curated by Aleksandra Art and UnknownCollector. UNCOMMON GALLERY, South Korea. 20th Feb – 5th March.


RGBMTL group show. Curated by Danielle King. Montreal, Canada. 23 August 2024.


Artcrush Gallery Showing my work on 1,000 billboards across Belgium, Rumania, Amsterdam, Indonesia and Australia from September to October, 2024, Curated by Fanny Lakoubay.

Eutopia Group show at hashtag event in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Curated by Gabriela Serkin, Pabellón de las Bellas Artes-UCA. (pictures by Vidal Herrera and Layla Pizarron)

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Echoes of life group show. Curated by Ana Aguirre / Diane Drubay. Montreal, Canada. 23 August 2024.

echoes Image